Promotional or promo codes are comparable to coupon codes, but some differences exist. Where coupon codes usually offer price discounts, promo codes can provide buy-one-get-one deals and more. Promo codes entice new and existing customers to buy products from you more frequently. Learning how to track promo codes is essential for your success.
Why Tracking Promo Codes is Crucial

Monitoring promo codes will help your business see how your marketing campaigns work. You will see which promotions gained sales and which had less success. You will also be able to see what channels were more successful with sales and which ones need to be improved. With this information, you can change marketing campaigns to increase sales.
Essential Tools for Tracking Promo Codes in Shopify
There are tools that can help you track your Shopify promo codes.
Shopify’s Built-In Analytics
You can use Shopify analytics to track your promotions. To do so, go to your Shopify admin section, click the promotions tab, and then click discounts. All your discounts and promotions will be located here, so you can easily see each promotion’s performance.
Google Analytics Integration
Google Analytics is widely used and known for its tracking capabilities. You must first create an account to integrate Google Analytics with your Shopify store. Next, you will open your Shopify admin dashboard, click on the online store, and then click Preferences. You will then paste the code from Google Analytics into the appropriate box and hit save.
Techniques for Effective Promo Code Tracking
Some techniques you can use for effective promo code tracking include setting up unique promo codes, regular reporting and analysis, and automated alerts and notifications.
Setting up Unique Promo Codes
Setting up unique promo codes for your Shopify store can drive customer loyalty and increase sales. Some ideas include:
- Prelaunch offers
- First-time shopper offer
- Holiday and seasonal deals
- Customers loyalty offers
- Weekly and monthly discounts
Using unique promo codes will make customers more likely to purchase from your store.
Regular Reporting and Analysis
Using your Shopify analytics is the easiest way to review and analyze your store reports. To do this, you would click the Analytics tab under the Shopify Admin menu. Then, click Reports. Here, you will find your sales reports or view sales by discount.
Automated Alerts and Notifications
Setting up automated alerts will let you know when your promo codes are about to expire or if a product is in low stock. These notifications will help with proactive promo code management.
Best Practices for Managing Promo Codes
Several best practices exist for effectively managing your promo codes. Communicate the terms and conditions of using your promo codes to ensure a positive customer experience. Review your promo code analytics regularly to ensure they are working properly. You can also set up expiration date controls and review redemption tracking information to determine which codes are being used.
Learning How to Track Promo Codes is Your Key to Success
Regularly visiting your Shopify analytics or Google Analytics integration is important to the success of your promotions and marketing efforts. These reports will let you know what works well and what needs improvement. Learning how to track promo codes is also essential to your business.
Our Website on Demand apps make it easy for you to provide promo codes on your Shopify store. Let us help you gain success today.